3 hours
It is very common the place you visit to encounter the rental of Jet Ski, can be single or double, can be per hour or sometimes half-hour, here in Cabo is not the exception, you can find the Jet Ski rentals along the busy Medano Beach and ride in front of the Bay. What you don't know is that the riding area is restricted, you don't have the freedom to go to far away or go to the Arch, the riding area is limited and on the busy Bay of Cabo San Lucas, a lot of encounters of boat rides, parasailing rides, fishing boats, kayaks, etc. It can be Fun! but definitely that is not for everyone.
This tour offers you the opportunity to ride along the Bay of Cabo San Lucas, visit from a safe distance, the landmark of Cabo the famous Arch, with its rock formations, the lover's and divorce beach, the Lands End which is the very tip of the Peninsula, another amazing place you will get to know if the Tourist Corridor is a 20-mile stretch that connects Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo that is home to some of the most beautiful beach areas in Cabo, Luxury resorts, beautiful houses and amazing views.
The ride is on a powerful, stable and comfortable jet ski, along the shoreline, where you will observe some of the most amazing marine life, this tour is guided, and with radio communication between all participants, all places you will be visiting there will be an explanation from the guide.
Jacques Cousteau named the Sea of Cortes "The Aquarium of the World" and it was because of its plentiful marine life, the one you are about to encounter.
In a secluded beautiful area, you will enjoy some resting time, Ready to be part of the Cabo Ultimate Adventure Tour?
Jet Ski
Purifed Water
Hamburger and Fries
Optional exemption of payment of damages $45 usd fee per jet ski or leave open voucher
Roundtrip transportation 5 usd per person
Minimum age to participate 10 years old
Maximum weight between 2 passengers is 250 kg or 551 lbs
For safety reasons, cameras, or GoPro are not permitted
Driver must be 18 years old and present a drivers license
People with previous injuries or fractures are not allowed
Alcohol before the tour is not allowed
Not suitable for expecting mothers
Comfortable clothes
Athletic shoes
Biodegradable sunblock and repellent
Extra money